
Easy-To-Clean Materials Ideal For Refurbishing

Choosing the right ones will allow you to save time on cleaning tasks, something that you will appreciate at any time. Read more to learn how to make better decisions in this regard.

What to take into account when choosing the materials to reform?

The choice of materials to build and reform the house is one of the most important decisions to make. The price, resistance and accessibility are factors that influence when deciding.

In this opportunity we add another element that is the ease of cleaning. That they are materials that do not absorb stains and that need little time to remove dirt. Especially in the most difficult areas of the house.

But we go over each of the features you should consider:

  • Price. Choose materials that are within your budget, planning what you are going to do is essential. The highest quality ones are also the most expensive, but if you know how to manage your money, you will be able to acquire the ones you prefer.
  • Resistance. They must withstand the conditions to which they will be exposed, depending on where they are. For example, traffic, humidity, exposure to stains, etc. Something to keep in mind is that the higher the quality, the longer they will last, which will be savings in the long term.
  • Where will it be used ? It has to do with the previous point, since each room in the house is different and there are areas with conditions that put the materials to the test. It is not the same to reform a room as a kitchen, the latter requires higher quality.
  • Finish . Here we refer to the aesthetics of the materials, how they will look in the place where you are going to use it. Take into account how it looks together with the other materials that you will use, look for harmony in the whole.
  • Maintenance . There are materials that require more care than others. For example, wood will require treatment to resist moisture and repel termites. Also, small tiles have a lot of seams and that’s where the most dirt collects.

Other factors to consider

Choosing the right materials favors the cleanliness of the home , but this is not the only thing that you must take into account. Other aspects that will influence the decision are:

  • Location and climate where the house is.
  • Whether the materials will be used outside or inside.
  • Possibility of reusing them at the end of their lifetime.
  • Influence of materials on the health of the inhabitants of the house, due to their composition.
  • Market availability; that is, that there is enough material and preferably that you find it in local stores.

To reduce errors in the choice of materials, consult with expert masons in Madrid . The specialists will advise you which are the best according to your needs and budget.

Areas that require more maintenance

An important factor in choosing materials is where they will be used. The most complex areas for maintenance are the kitchen and the bathroom. Exposure to moisture, stains and grease makes these areas delicate.

In the bathroom, the countertop of the sink, the floor and the wall covering are the most worrying.

Both the floor and the cladding are usually made of ceramic tiles or natural stone. The tiles are easy to clean because they do not absorb stains. However, the size plays an important role, the smaller they are, the more complex the cleaning is.

The above is due to the fact that there will be more exposed joints and that part is the one that gets dirty the most and fungi appear due to humidity. So if you want quick house cleaning tips , go for large tiles.

As for natural stone, it depends on which one is used. Quartz, for example, is one of the most recommended for its resistance to stains.

Marble, for its part, although it is among the most used, is a very porous stone. So it needs pre-treatment to prevent stains from penetrating. The simple method to know if it is protected is to look at its shine, if so it means that the pores have closed.

Something similar happens in the kitchen, although here the most common stains come from grease and food. Textured tiles and tiles often cause problems because they cause more dirt to accumulate. In addition, they are more difficult to clean than smooth ones.

Easy-to-clean materials ideal for refurbishing

Let us now review what are the materials that will make cleaning your house easier. In general, look for those that are stain resistant and don’t need special products.


For the floor, one of the best materials when cleaning the house faster is porcelain. Similarly, in bathrooms it is among the most used, not only on floors but also in toilets.

Soap and water are enough to remove dirt from this material, including killing bacteria. In addition, porcelain is very resistant, if you take good care of it, it will last for years in good condition.

It is not very porous, resists humidity and can be used both indoors and outdoors. Another advantage is the variety of options on the market. There are even some with finishes that imitate wood and natural stone.

There are finishes and colors that hide dust, so you won’t have a problem if you stop sweeping for a day.


Like porcelain, this material is not very porous and non-stick. Which means stains won’t penetrate and are easy to remove. Besides, it is a coating that does not go out of style and is durable.

You can use ceramic for both floor and wall coverings and they come in different sizes and finishes. However, we advise you to choose large ones. As we mentioned before, this means you’ll have fewer joints collecting dirt.

Ceramic tiles require little maintenance; that is why it is one of the easy to clean materials for a reform. A trick when choosing is to opt for those with a matte finish, since these tend to stain less than shiny ones.


Natural stone is one of the preferred materials to include in renovations. We usually hear about marble and granite, but quartz also has excellent properties .

And one of them is that it is easier to clean than the ones we just mentioned. It is not very porous, unlike granite, which means that in a few minutes you can remove any stain without it penetrating.

To clean natural stone surfaces such as quartz you will not need special products, as is the case in other cases such as slate.

This material is durable and elegant. We leave you three steps to clean the house when you have quartz surfaces:

  • Remove dust or dirt with a cloth or non-abrasive material.
  • Dampen a rag in a mixture of warm water and vinegar to finish cleaning and disinfecting the surface.
  • Lastly, use another soft cloth to dry the surface.

In a few minutes the countertops will be like new.

Laminate or Formica

Among the best materials for the kitchen are laminates. As they are non-porous, grease stains will not penetrate the surface, making them easy to clean. You will only need water, soap to do it.

What you do need to be careful about is not using any abrasive material that could scratch the Formica. So we recommend a soft cloth or sponge. For greater cleaning and disinfection in this area, it is better to use warm water and a little vinegar.

Being a material resistant to moisture and frequent use, it can also be used in the bathroom. You will find various colors and finishes on the market to adapt them to the decoration of your home.

Stainless steel

The biggest advantage that stainless steel has is that it repels dirt, making it easier for you to clean your house; so you don’t have to worry about stains sticking together or dust collecting.

For daily cleaning you only need to spray a mixture of water and vinegar. Then remove with a microfiber cloth. This way you make sure you don’t scratch the surface.

If you want to do a deeper cleaning, use an anti-grease product. A glass cleaner will also help or make a paste with water and baking soda. Apply this mixture on the surface, let it act for 30 minutes and remove it with a damp cloth.

Finally, if you want to restore the shine, put a tablespoon of olive oil on a cloth. Pass it over the stainless steel and leave it for 15 minutes. Next, dampen a rag in water and wipe over the surface to remove the oil.


Microcement is resistant, it combines with other materials and, in addition, it is easy to maintain. The surface is smooth and poreless, so it won’t absorb stains.

Although it is most common on floors, it is also used for countertops and can be included in any part of the house.







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