10 Habits to Maintain the Septic Tank

The purchase of a house far from an urban center is a more than suggestive option for many people, however, there are certain factors that are often conceived as inconveniences. One of the most common is: The lack of a public system for the evacuation and sanitation of domestic wastewater or a sewage network, which requires the installation of a septic tank in order to guarantee the deposition and purification of waste. We indicate 10 habits to maintain your septic tank.

Everyday habits.

1. Reduce the use of toilet paper , use it only when it is essential and opt for one that dissolves easily in the water.2. Do not throw waste such as wipes, makeup remover pads, food scraps, etc. , as it is difficult to decompose waste that can clog the pipes or create a solid layer at the base of the pit that ends up deteriorating it.3. Avoid the spillage of chemical substances or detergents as they can affect the composition of the septic tank itself, its tightness and impermeability and the biological filters that make up the system.

Cleaning and supervision guidelines.

1. Bet on a suitable septic tank for your home and in accordance with current regulations.2. Check once a year (minimum) the state of your septic tank , check that the installation is maintained as it was on the first day, as well as the sludge level, as these should not exceed 50% of the tank’s capacity.3. Pick up the cream or floating materials from the surface layer with a spatula specially indicated for this purpose.4. Remove the accumulated solids if they exceed the amount described above, although not completely, you should always leave between 10 and 20% as a lower layer.5. Clean the filters with pressurized water to guarantee their operation and supervise the state of the toxic gas outlets.6. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the adequate supply of bacterial activator, aspiration of mud and fecal materials, as well as cleaning of filters to avoid deterioration of the system and the appearance of bad odors in the septic tank.7. After removal of debris, refill the tank with clean water.


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